Thursday, 9 January 2014

Level 3 Photo Treatment

(L3) Photography Project Treatment Form

1 What do you want to make?
1 picture of Crawley destroyed either by natural disaster or has been caused . 1 picture of Crawley looking well presented and a nice place to live with flowers, ponds and new houses with features such as solar panals. 1 picture of Crawley’s future of new houses or destroyed living areas.
2 Facilities: What facilities do you need for this project list all including software and hardware for the whole project
Software - Photoshop

3 Finance: If you produced this project outside of the college you need to show how much it would cost to hire the equipment that you intend to use. List the item and the purchase/hire cost next to it

Purchase/hire cost
Software - Photoshop

4 Codes of practice and regulation: What regulations to you need to be aware of. Think about college policy as well as regulatory bodies look at Photography Copyright and copyright law

  1. Contribute positively to the wider community, outside College
  2. Represent the College positively during activities off campus
  3. Never bring the College into disrepute
  4. Comply with Health and Safety and security rules
  5. Follow the College Drugs and Alcohol Misuse Policy for Students
  6. Comply with the College Parking Policy

5 Contributors: Who do you need to help this for you project? This includes talent and crew.
Crew and Role

Talent and Role


6 Your pictures may be part of an exhibition for the council, you therefor need to think about information that might accompany the Presentation: How will you present the pictures for the fact sheet/leaflet for your exhibition t? Can you give some rough thumbnails of the final layout?